A Special Place
For Nature and People
The Arb From Above
A wonderful place, especially in October.
Warm, inviting, tranquil, gorgeous, restorative. The hundreds of new plantings are thriving.
In one area, what used to be bare sidewalk is now a tunnel of trees and bushes, many of which have ID tags.
And while you’re at it, as a little challenge,
walk around and see if you can find the three new sycamores and the three new hemlocks.
October, 2024
Another Fabulous Tee Sale. This year (2024) 250 native trees and shrubs
now out and about, and bringing new life to the community. Click to know more!
Schools Field Trip
October, 2023
WMS Builder’s Club, and WHS Key Club visited The Arboretum
—for a little phenology, and then some woodland exploration.
Territorial Oak—On To A New Life
When the Territorial Oak sprouted from its acorn, this was still Indian country. The squirrel who probably planted this tree nearly 250 years ago was just doing its job. When the area was surveyed, this tree's diameter at breast height was 16 inches and was used as the “witness” tree from which much of this area was platted. Click Here To Read More

Autumn In The Arboretum

Generac Welcome and Education Center Dedication
Spring 2023
Arbor Day Whitewater Schools Field Trip.
Tree Sale—2023
Once again sold out, in spite of the weather.
Planting New Trees
Volunteers add to the growing list of native species in the Arboretum
Tree City Recognition by DNR
City Crew and DNR Rep add beauty and diversity to the Arboretum
The Generac Welcome and Education Center
Pavilion kit donated by Generac.
Assembly powered primarily by Generac volunteers.
Whitewater Schools Field Trip
WMS Builder’s Club, and WHS Key Club visited
The Arboretum
—for tree science and tree planting.
Fall Workshops—
Interesting, Informative
Being Built—Watch It Grow
It’s Happening
Transformation From Park Into Arboretum

What is the Arboretum At Starin Park?
The Arboretum At Starin Park
is a project of the
Whitewater Urban Forestry Commission
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to the cause, or participate yourself.