Hidden In Plain Sight

In our city we have an arboretum hiding in plain sight. Did you know that Starin Park is also an arboretum? Why did that happen? How did that happen? What does it mean?

At the park, the Burr Oak provides wonderful shade. 

At the arboretum, the Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) makes you wonder. What kind of tree is that? How old is that tree? How tall is that tree? What’s special about oaks?

The arboretum is a classroom—the curriculum is ecology
The arboretum is a sanctuary—take a walk, take a deep breath.
The arboretum is a living museum—a home for Wisconsin’s native trees and shrubs.
The arboretum is a social environment—meet your friends, engage and maybe even become a volunteer. 

So, what is the difference between the park and the arboretum? It takes more than a town or city to make an arboretum. It takes a community! There are new plantings to be made. There are programs to be planned and offered. There are plants sales. There are school visits that need direction and guidance. All this and more!

Visit the Arboretum at Starin Park. Take a walk. Find the trees with ID tags.  Look for all the new plantings.  Give Quercus alba a hug. Maybe, as a first step, visit online and find out more: The Arboretum at Starin Park

If you are Interested in being a steward of the arboretum, or an ArbKeeper as we like to call it, then email the Arb and let us know. You can do that here: Starin Park Arbkeepers

—Barry Roseberg


Territorial Oak


A Busy Fall At The Arb